


(从左至右)Evan Struemph博士. Stephanie Afful, Ximena Gutierrez, and Zoe Sweeney at conference in Brussels.

(从左至右)Evan Struemph博士. Stephanie Afful, Ximena Gutierrez, and Zoe Sweaney at conference in Brussels.


The production of original information in one’s academic discipline and dissemination of such information generated as part of projects completed by 科学、技术与卫生学院 (CSTH) students is one of the most important activities a student can complete. Funds available to CSTH students to support the purchase of basic supplies needed to complete a given project as well as funds needed to cover expenses incurred while traveling to present project results and outcomes are limited. The purpose of the CSTH 研究旅行援助计划 is to provide an internally supported funding mechanism to support travel costs a student may incur while presenting research conducted while a student at Lindenwood.

真实体验. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网

真实体验. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网

"Couldn't imagine coming here with a different group, I've had the best time. 谢谢大家的鼓励和支持, 没有你,我们永远做不到。”——佐伊·斯威尼

